Bear Traffic Controller - designed with you in mind
Bear Traffic Controller is written in Java, using the LWJGL and slick2D, and libraries built upon them. These libraries (e.g. jog) can be extended and additional features can be requested to support further development of the game.
The GUI has been designed to meet 5 simple objectives (in addition to the functional and non-functional requirements)
These objectives set out what we wanted to achieve with the GUI in an easy to understand way. They take into account the user by outlining their experience, but also the developer in highlighting future areas of development.
The GUI must:
View the entire GUI report which justifies all of the decisions made during the design of the BTC GUI.
The Architecture has been designed to meet a limited set of requirements (those outlined for Assessment 2). However, careful consideration has also been taken to make sure that it is expandable to meet future requirements. For more details, take a look at the architecture report
The Architecture report thoroughly explains the design and implementation of the BTC game architecture. For any future developers, this should provide an easy way of quickly picking up and farmiliarising yourself with the project for continued development.
BTC has been tested in a variety of ways from code examining white-box testing to game playing alpha testing. The results of these tests have helped to direct development of the game throughout the process, and all of these results are available in our Test Plans and report
This outlines the current test plan and all of our results
Test Plan Integration Testing Requirements Testing Unit Testing
Both the GUI and game architecture have also been designed to satisfy a set of functional and non-functional requirements. These are provided below: